Domestic Violence in
Domestic Violence can be described as when one adult in a relationship misuses power to control another. It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. The violence may involve physical abuse, sexual assault and threats. Sometimes it’s more subtle, like making someone feel worthless, not letting them have any money, or not allowing them to leave the home. Social isolation and emotional abuse can have long-lasting effects as well as physical violence.
Domestic Violence isn't just hitting, or fighting, or an occasional argument. It's an abuse of power. The abuser tortures and controls the victim by calculated threats, intimidation, and physical violence. . Although both men and women can be abused, in most cases, the victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are also abused or neglected. Although the woman is usually the primary target, violence is sometimes directed toward children, and sometimes toward family members and friends.
Many women in
Forms of Domestic Violence
Domestic violence can take many forms and variations and can happen once in a while or all at the same time. Domestic violence can be Psychological Abuse, Social Abuse, Financial Abuse, Physical Assault or Sexual Assault. Violence can be criminal and includes physical assault or injury (hitting, beating, shoving, etc.), sexual abuse ( forced sexual activity), or stalking.
Common Forms of violence against Indian women include:
Female feticide (selective abortion based on the fetus gender or sex selection of child), Domestic violence, Dowry death or harassment , Mental and physical torture, Sexual trafficking, and Public humiliation.
How children can get affected by domestic violence at home:
1) Children can themselves get physically abused or hurt.
2) Witnessing violence actions can be mentally damaging
Children often try to intervene to protect the adult victim, which puts them in a dangerous situation
Children can copy the violent behavior they witness, both as children and as adults
They may develop stress-related problems in health
They can loose self- confidence, be afraid/angry, and blame themselves for what is happening or feel guilty.
If you are being abused, REMEMBER
You are not alone
It is not your fault
Help is available.
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